5 Things a iOS developer should get used to

You can raise your collars about how cool you are if you develop apps for iPhone iPad android or windows phone. Since these are the most favorite platform in entertainment world. As a iphone ipad app developer i have experienced a lot of information about the app developing world and wanna share with you people. Apart from programming i personally found that these information can nurture any mobile developer into high class programmer. so let me enlighten you folks

1. Stackoverflowing: If you are a mobile developer definitely you would have crossed this site Stackoverflow. We stuck up, we forget, we make stupid bugs and still we wanna make sure everything is perfect and we go fetch code from SO. Whats my idea is instead of searching in SO just for answers you can answer the questions which are asked in SO when you get free time. This will greatly improve your learning curve.

2. Tracking Apps: Tracking your appstore for new apps is a fantastic way to know the trending apps currently in market. After seeing these apps they can make you ask a question to yourself (How did they do it? Is it possible in development?) and when you find answers for these you are definitely becoming pro.

3. Pirate: Don’t get panic by reading the title. This what Steve Jobs said to his employees Good artist copy Great artist steal. What i am trying to say is there are lot of drop-in code files and ready made classes out there. Instead of copying functionality and writing code yourself just steal(with their permission and that’s what i call ‘steal’) and modify it according to your requirement. Get iphone and mac drop-in classes here www.cocoacontrols.com, www.verious.com, www.maniacdev.com

4. Photoshopper: Though you may be good with objects, functions, arrays, strings classes, etc when it comes to mobile mostly it talks about the User Interface so even though you are a mobile developer it is good to have a touch in photo editing knowledge to deal with those UI’s.

5. Githubing: This is a thing which i wanna do for a long time. You would have developed many components that may be useful to a lot of rookies. But you havent commented those code or not organized properly so that the third person can use it easily. If you are a Let-All-Developers-Be-Happy type user then try cleaning those codes that are components  so that it should be easily adapted by a third party. So once you are done Github it.

If you can give some extra tips then most welcome…